· Chris Hammond
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Jack Daniel's Tennessee Squire Anniversary
My second anniversary as a Tennessee Squire
Today is my 2 year anniversary of getting my plot! I was super pumped to be nominated to be a Tennessee Squire by a fraternity brother of mine back in January 2020, and even more excited to find out that I had been accepted!
From the Tennessee Squire Association website:
Membership in the Squire Association is a reward for our loyal friends of Jack Daniel’s. Squires are nominated (most often by other Squires) and are welcomed into the Association with a letter, a membership card, and an unrecorded deed to their own small “piece of property,” which is given a unique plot number. Our criteria for becoming a member of the Squire Association is that a person be a loyal friend of Jack Daniel’s who is also a generous, responsible person of character and not associated with the beverage alcohol industry in any way. A nominee must also be of legal drinking age in their country of residence.
A big thank you to Steve for my nomination!